Global sensitivity ranges for a memc model
Given a MEM model configuration estimate the global effect of parameter sensitivity.
- config
a memc model configuration object, either one of the pre-built configurations listed in
or created usingconfigure_model
- t
vector of the time steps to run the model at
- pars
vector of the parameters that will be varied
- parRange
data frame of the min/max parameter values
- dist
str for the distribution according to which the parameters will be sampled from, options" "unif" (uniformly random samples), "norm", (normally distributed random samples), "latin" (latin hypercube distribution), and "grid" (parameters arranged on a grid).
- ...
additional arguments passed to FME::sensRange
See also
Other sensitivity:
if (FALSE) {
# Test the sensitivity of the MEND output for V.p, K.p, V.m
pars <- c("V.d" = 3.0e+00,"V.p" = 1.4e+01,"V.m" = 2.5e-01)
prange <- data.frame(min = pars - pars * 0.75,
max = pars + pars * 0.75)
t <- floor(seq(0, 365, length.out = 10))
out <- memc_sensrange(config = MEND_model, t = t, pars = pars,
parRange = prange, dist = "latin", num = 10)
# Using the helper functions.
to_plot <- format_sensout(out)
ggplot(data = to_plot) +
geom_line(aes(time, Mean)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(time, ymin = Min, ymax = Max), alpha = 0.5) +
facet_wrap("variable", scales = "free")